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Black Friday sale at Bladeville

Black Friday sale at Bladeville

Black Friday is one of a kind event, as it’s probably the only occasion on which people are happy to stay with their wallets emptied. The sale craze is so popular that even banks have jumped on the bandwagon and offer unusually attractive short-term loans. Don’t get us wrong – we don’t recommend to get yourself in a debt to buy a pair of skates, we simply want to highlight how much of a cultural phenomenon Black Friday has become. Bladeville has been participating for few years in a row now and this year we have some extra sweet deals for you.

To get things right out of the gate: we offer price cuts up to 80% for selected goods. In addition, you can use a checkout code “blackfriday” to get a 20% off any products with regular prices, without any other discounts applied to them. This will be one long Friday, as the even lasts between 23rd and 30th November. First come, first served – if something is sold out, then it’s gone for good and calling us or writing emails won’t have any effect. We are in the middle of in-between seasons break and new shipments will arrive on spring. As much as we would like to, we cannot materialize boxes with skates out of thin air and our guys working in warehouse, pretty good in doing a lot of heavy lifting, do not have a working factory in there (yet?). Sorry!

It pays off to be quick and act now, too, as it won’t get cheaper than now. Don’t count on price cuts being lower because of any of the upcoming holidays. Hanukkah? No. Kwanzaa? No. Christmas? Nope. New Year’s eve? Again, no! Sleep on it and regret later – as in the past years, we fully expect our warehouse to get a lot of free space thanks to Black Friday, so there may not be a chance to buy the stuff you want until next season. Even now the most popular sizes of best-selling skates are already unavailable, so we recommend to hurry up with clicking on the order button. Even if your new purchase would spend winter in the closet (still, you can skate all year round if it’s dry enough, we highly recommend it!), it’s worth buying now. The gear prices rise every year, and 2021 won’t be exception to the rule.

Black Friday Sale at Bladeville - what's available?

What deals you can find? Well, we have plenty of K2, Rollerblade and Powerslide (Playlife) rec/fitness skates for as low as 75 Euros. If you seek a pair of skates for you kid, there’s a pretty god deal on Rollerblade Thunder/Alpha skate and Powerslide protective pads for only 59 Euros.

For those who seek cheap freeskates, we have last pairs of Seba E3 black/white version and Rollerblade RB80 Cruiser at super low prices. The amazing RB110 3WD skates are available in sizes EU35-EU42 and can be yours for 175 Euros – lowest price ever.

Seeing that winter is coming, we are clearing out our ice skates stock for a mere 25 Euros a pop. The same price will net you last pairs of Chaya Soy Luna quad skates.

There’s a lot more – parts, wheels… But what if the thing you want to buy still comes with regular price tag? Worry not – as we’ve mentioned earlier, the “blackfriday” checkout code will get you 20% off in such case. This means that these 259 Euros skates you want will cost you only 207,2 Euros. Not bad, huh?

Not much else to say – time to go shopping. Jump in and place order. You know you want to. The offer is valid up to 1st December. Happy hunting!